What are your book’s strengths and weaknesses? Is the story compelling? Is the language clear? Are the characters vivid? Does the dialogue work? Is there too much description and not enough action?
My hands-on workshops will help you answer these questions and more in a fun, supportive, and always constructive setting.
I offer two workshop levels. Choose the one that's right for you.
Eric's Inner-Circle Critique Groups
Twice a month, we meet in small teleconference groups of four or five writers. Each writer receives 30 minutes of personal attention per session. After each writer reads a selection from their work, I lead the group in a lively critique, offering positive, practical suggestions to make the story better, the characters stronger, the language leaner.
Author's Jumpstart with Eric
Having trouble with structure or character development? This economically-priced, fast-paced critique group also meets twice a month via teleconference. Each writer receives 15 minutes, focusing on developing outlines and brainstorming story.
At both workshop levels, you will also get:
- digital audio recordings of your sessions, available to download for a limited time;
- access to my monthly Laser Critiques, mini one-on-one 10-minute critique sessions;
- e-mail access to clarify points that came up in the workshops.
Click Here and let’s get started!